“I was deeply disappointed by yet another public demonstration of dysfunction at Community Board 11. I strongly believe in community board independence and have remained respectful of each Board’s internal processes, but it is clear now that Community Board 11 requires intervention. A very small, but persistent, group has for too long reliably distracted and embarrassed the greater Board. There has been an outcry from Board Members and community members alike expressing outrage and frustration. I share their sentiment and will meet their call for help to restore order and civility to Community Board 11. Moreover, even though a change in leadership was assured, some members moved forward with the removal process solely to embarrass these board officers. This is an unacceptable way to treat longtime community leaders.

“Reappointments are currently before me for consideration, as are applications from new applicants. We will soon have a new Community Board 11, refreshed in membership and refocused on serving the beautiful communities that they represent. I am sincerely grateful to the selfless and dedicated Community Board 11 Members who make up the vast majority of the Board and who have endured a very difficult period in the Board’s history. You have my support. Change is coming.”