Last week, the Panel for Educational Policy voted to approve the arrival of two schools to the Bronx: The Bard Early College campus and the South Bronx Literacy Academy

“The arrival of both the Bard Early College campus and the South Bronx Literacy Academy designed to serve students with dyslexia, language-based learning disabilities, and other literacy challenges, marks a great day for the Bronx and a great day for education. The Bronx is on the edge of a renaissance, and we need our schools to equip our students for the future.

With a campus in Manhattan and Queens, the Bard Early College campus has a clear record of supporting underserved students by giving them alternative pathways into higher education that will prepare them for their future careers. The importance of our students graduating from high school with an associate degree prepares our scholars for college, careers, and workforce opportunities.

The co-location and launch of South Bronx Literacy Academy (SBLA) incubating at PS161, the Ponce De Leon school in District 7, will ensure every student has equitable access to receiving a quality education and can serve as a model for other future schools.

Education is the gateway to a successful future, and I am so pleased that our Borough will welcome these two new schools which will serve as a beacon of hope and opportunity for generations to come. I want to thank the Panel for Educational Policy, our PEP Appointee, Geneal Chacon, for her commitment and leadership on behalf of our Bronx students, parent advocates, and all the other stakeholders who have prioritized our students by providing them with the resources they need to excel.”