Today, the New York City Council passed a legislative package that will improve the diversity, equity, and inclusion practices at the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY). Two of the bills included in the package were Intro. 552-A and Intro. 553-A sponsored by Council Member Riley by request of the Bronx Borough President.

“Every city agency should reflect the diversity of our city and the FDNY should not be an exception. As it stands now, the Department’s demographics, practices, and facilities systemically do not uplift our Black and Brown communities nor are they gender-inclusive. Intro. 552-A and 553-A along with the other package of bills passed today by the New York City Council are an important first step towards dismantling systemic barriers which have prevented women and people of color from having equal access to job opportunities within the FDNY.

Our FDNY personnel are on the frontlines every day to keep us safe and provide a vital service to our communities. We owe it to them and our city, to ensure they represent the diversity of the residents they are sworn to serve and protect. Thank you to Speaker Adams, Chair of the Committee on Fire and Emergency Management Council Member Joann Ariola, the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus, our colleagues who co-sponsored these bills, the Vulcan Society, and everyone else for their support of this important legislation, as well as their commitment to equity, fairness, and transparency.”