Borough President Diaz Congratulates Bronx Winners of Historic Preservation Grants

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  • Borough President Diaz Congratulates Bronx
    Winners of Historic Preservation Grants

    Today, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. congratulated the New York Botanical Garden and the Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum & Gardens for being among the top four popular vote winners in the 2012 Partners in Preservation Initiative, co-sponsored by American Express and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
    The New York Botanical Garden received 7% of the popular vote and has been awarded $250,000 to restore its rock garden. The Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum & Gardens also received 7% of the popular vote and has been awarded $155,000 to restore areas within the museum’s gardens.

    As part of Bronx Week 2012, Borough President Diaz encouraged borough residents to show their support for these and other Bronx institutions by participating in the contest. The top four popular vote winners in the 2012 Partners in Preservation Initiative automatically receive their grant awards.

    "As borough president of the Bronx, I am thrilled that two of our great attractions–the New York Botanical Garden and the Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum & Gardens–saw such great support from not only the Bronx but across the City and the region, and were able to see victory in this contest. This shows that when you work to get out the vote, great things can happen," said Borough President Diaz.



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    851 Grand Concourse Ste. 301
    Bronx, New York 10451
    (718) 590-3500
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